Consumer Accumulators

Buffers stored logs to maintain consistent production


The Accumulator is a first-in-first-out design used as a buffer of stored logs between the rewinder line and downstream equipment to help maintain consistent production during process upsets and changeovers. 


Our consumer accumulator is designed with the needs of our customers in mind, giving them the flexibility to adapt their surge capacity for any number of reasons, including:

  • The cycle rate of products to be run.
  • The amount of unwind down time.
  • Downstream equipment.
  • The duration and frequency of equipment changeovers.



  • Gino Santi

    Sales Director - Tissue Converting - Americas



  • Gianluca Matelli

    Sales Director - Tissue Converting - EMEA and APAC



  • Mechanical device to hold the buckets on the chains
  • Table with metering belts
  • Bombbay system with servo driven dump
  • Extended discharge area with sliding bombbay dump
  • Log cull station at discharge
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